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Master Test Plan

Document Master Test Plan
Author: Name
Version: Ver 0.1
Date: x.y.202x

General information

A master test plan (MTP) is a high-level document that describes the overall testing strategy, objectives, and scope for a software project or product. It provides a comprehensive overview of the key decisions, resources, risks, and deliverables involved in the testing process. It also defines the relationship and coordination among different test levels, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. An MTP helps to ensure that the testing activities are aligned with the project goals and requirements, and that the quality of the software is verified and validated. You can find more information about MTPs from these sources:

Master Test Plan

1. Introduction

Briefly describe the purpose of the document, the system under test, and the scope of the testing activities.

2. Test Objectives

Define the goals and objectives of the testing activities.

3. Test Items

List the software items that will be tested.

4. Features to be Tested

Describe the features of the software that will be tested.

5. Features not to be Tested

Describe any features of the software that will not be tested and explain why.

6. Approach

Outline the overall approach to testing. Include the types of testing that will be performed (e.g., unit, integration, system, acceptance) and any testing tools that will be used.

7. Item Pass/Fail Criteria

Define the criteria that will be used to determine whether each software item has passed or failed its tests.

8. Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements

Specify the criteria that will be used to suspend the testing activities and the requirements for resuming them.

9. Test Deliverables

List all the documents, tools, and other components that will be delivered as part of the testing process.

10. Testing Tasks

Identify the tasks that will be necessary to prepare for and perform the testing activities.

11. Environmental Needs

Identify any environmental requirements (e.g., hardware, software, network, etc.) for the testing activities.

12. Responsibilities

Specify the responsibilities of each team member involved in the testing activities.

13. Staffing and Training Needs

Identify any staffing needs or training requirements for the testing activities.

14. Schedule

Provide a schedule for the testing activities, including milestones and deadlines.

15. Risks and Contingencies

Identify any potential risks or contingencies that could impact the testing activities.

16. Approvals

Specify who must approve the plan before testing can begin.