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Use Case FEA1234

Use Case: Log Gathering


The Log Gathering use case involves collecting log data from various sources within the system. This process ensures that relevant information is captured for monitoring, troubleshooting, and analysis.


  • System Administrator: Responsible for configuring and managing log collection settings.
  • Application Components: Generate log entries during runtime.


  • The system is operational.
  • Log sources (applications, servers, network devices) are configured to produce log data.

Basic Flow:

  1. The System Administrator configures log collection parameters: - Specifies log sources (e.g., application logs, server logs, security logs). - Defines log formats (e.g., text, JSON, syslog). - Sets up log rotation policies (e.g., daily, weekly).
  2. The Application Components generate log entries during normal operation: - Events such as user logins, database queries, errors, and warnings are logged. - Log entries include timestamps, severity levels, and relevant context.
  3. The Log Collector periodically retrieves log data from configured sources: - Pulls logs from remote servers or reads local log files. - Aggregates log entries into a central repository.
  4. The Log Repository stores collected logs: - Archives logs for historical analysis. - Ensures compliance with retention policies.
  5. The System Administrator monitors the log repository: - Searches for specific events (e.g., security incidents, performance anomalies). - Correlates logs across different components. - Identifies patterns and trends.
  6. If anomalies or critical events are detected: - Alerts are triggered for further investigation. - Remediation actions are taken based on log insights.

Alternative Flow:

  • If log collection fails (e.g., due to misconfiguration or connectivity issues), the system generates an alert for the System Administrator.


  • Log data is available for analysis, troubleshooting, and compliance purposes.

This UML-style use case provides an overview of the log gathering process, emphasizing its importance in maintaining system health and security. Feel free to adapt and expand upon this template based on your specific system requirements! 🚀🔍📊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/02/2024 (1) proplatformers/use-case-markdown-skeleton - GitHub. (2) How to edit Markdown + UML in Visual Studio Code - (3) How do I display the base of logarithms in Markdown?.