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FEA1234 Centralized Log Management

Feature ID FEA1234
Subsystem the feature is part of Centralized Log Management
Responsible person Marko Rintamäki
Status Accepted

**Feature Description: **

The Centralized Log Management feature streamlines the collection, analysis, and storage of log data across your entire software service. By aggregating logs from various components, applications, and resources, this feature provides valuable insights for both operational efficiency and strategic decision-making.

Key Components:

  1. Log Collection: - Automatically gathers logs from servers, applications, and network devices. - Supports various log formats (e.g., text, JSON, syslog).

  2. Log Aggregation: - Consolidates logs into a central repository. - Enables cross-system correlation for better context.

  3. Log Storage: - Archives logs for extended periods (weeks, months, or years). - Ensures compliance with data retention policies.

  4. Search and Query: - Provides a powerful search interface to query logs. - Supports filtering by time range, severity, source, and keywords.

  5. Alerting and Monitoring: - Sets up real-time alerts based on predefined rules (e.g., error spikes, security incidents). - Monitors log patterns for anomalies.

  6. Performance Insights: - Visualizes log data trends and patterns. - Helps identify bottlenecks, resource utilization, and performance issues.

Benefit for our service:

  • Efficient Troubleshooting: Quickly pinpoint issues by analyzing centralized logs.
  • Proactive Alerting: Detect anomalies and respond promptly.
  • Operational Efficiency: Eliminate manual log file examination.
  • Security Enhancement: Identify security threats and unauthorized access.
  • Strategic Planning: Use log insights for capacity planning and optimization.

All relevant issues related to or contributing to the definition of the feature are gathered here

Use Case Example
Requirement ReqID10000 Service logs should be able to store max 5 years
Requirement ReqID12200 User names should be removed from logs before storage

Preliminary user stories

Write preliminary user stories here

  • As a user I want to be able to.... (transferred to issue tracker --> check issue #10)
  • As an administrator I want...

*These should be transferred to issue descriptions as soon as possible

User interface mock-up

Add a picture or a link here. The mock-up should be essentially related to the feature/functionality.

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Write down some notions for testing

Testcase Test source Responsible
Verify log gathering Proposed by AI
Verify log format Requirement ID?
Verify log archive Requirement ID?
T Requirement ID?

Testing ideas?

Functional Test Cases for Log Management

  1. Log Collection: - Positive Test Case: Verify that logs are automatically gathered from servers, applications, and network devices. - Negative Test Case: Confirm that logs are not collected if the log format is unsupported.

  2. Log Aggregation: - Positive Test Case: Validate that logs are consolidated into a central repository. - Negative Test Case: Ensure that logs are not aggregated if the aggregation process fails.

  3. Log Storage: - Positive Test Case: Check if logs are archived for the specified retention period (e.g., weeks, months, or years). - Negative Test Case: Verify that logs are not stored indefinitely, violating data retention policies.

  4. Search and Query: - Positive Test Case: Test the search interface by querying logs based on time range, severity, source, and keywords. - Negative Test Case: Ensure that incorrect queries return no results.

  5. Alerting and Monitoring: - Positive Test Case: Set up real-time alerts for specific log patterns (e.g., error spikes, security incidents). - Negative Test Case: Confirm that no false-positive alerts occur.

  6. Performance Insights: - Positive Test Case: Visualize log data trends and patterns to identify bottlenecks and resource utilization. - Negative Test Case: Ensure that performance insights are accurate and relevant.

Non-Functional Security Test Cases:

  1. Access Control: - Positive Test Case: Verify that only authorized users can access log data. - Negative Test Case: Ensure that unauthorized users are denied access.

  2. Data Integrity: - Positive Test Case: Validate that log data remains intact and unaltered. - Negative Test Case: Check for any unexpected modifications or corruption.

  3. Scalability: - Positive Test Case: Test the system's ability to handle a large volume of logs. - Negative Test Case: Ensure that log management doesn't degrade with increased load.

  4. Concurrency: - Positive Test Case: Simulate multiple users accessing logs simultaneously. - Negative Test Case: Detect any concurrency-related issues.

  5. Performance Benchmarking: - Positive Test Case: Measure the time taken to retrieve logs under different load conditions. - Negative Test Case: Ensure that performance meets acceptable thresholds.

Feature: Centralized Log Management