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Project plan (template)

Document Project Plan
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1. Assignment

1.1 background and starting points

Describe the assignment briefly in the form of an introduction.If necessary, a reader will read more closely to the requirement definition document.The aim of the project is to try to combine There is a need to develop "objects ..." project implemented within the OPF framework TTOS2070 Guideline Institute of Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences.* The item is often a wider concept than the actual project to be defined.The item describes in a clear way, often relying on the graphic presentation, what kind of system assembly or activity is involved in doing something in the project in a project of something sub-assembly / supplement.This is therefore described in the current system and the customer's current approach.

1.2 Goals and tasks

This document describes the background, objectives, tasks, phase distribution, resources and organization of the X project.Each step is described separately in connection with the phase division. " This may refer to the content definition content Defining the most important content of the job in this project;The task of the project is related to the total project described in the project. What action is to be developed and how?> A vision of a future state What is the result of the outcome (concrete)? What are the partial or intermediate results?> What are people, actors or groups associated with the project project This can be accompanied by a stakeholder description or use as a source of claim definition? *Link to the required material in claim definition

1.3 Limitations and interfaces

Specifying the task of the project by limiting external parts of the target system or overall project. Separately, it is also possible to describe external factors significantly restrictive of performing the task.This also specifies them Task cases which are now likely to be associated with the mission at some point, but not In the framework of this project, however, it will be implemented.Typical such tasks could be, for example,Operating environment Construction and training.Other limits could be, for example, the language used in the software interface.

1.4 Rights and IPR

"The rights of the various parties are defined in the project agreement."Unless a separate agreement has been told about the rights of the job, they must express, for example, in this project plan.

1.5 terms and definitions

This section presents the definitions, terms and abbreviations in the project plan.For example, in different projects, there may be "inspection" and "reviewing" to be different meaning and this can cause misunderstandings.Sometimes it may be in place to agree on different names to the group's inspections (own internal, customer, in the course of the course).Abbreviations should be opened to the original language and add a brief description in Finnish.For example, Case = Computer Aided Software Engineering, Computer Assisted System Work.

Consider the project's Gates and will be drawn up in support of a SWOT description that looks at the entire project and its operating environment.

2. Project organization

2.1 Organization

Who belongs to the project organization?Does the project group / team have other operators? Project Group Instruments and Client Representatives.The organizational chart is presented in the appendix or in the description below.

Structure of Project Organization in MindMap form

uml diagram

2.2 Responsibilities and decision-making process

This includes the responsibilities of all project organizations (eg management team, project manager, secretary, group,> supervisors) and the decision-making process (eg, the project manager prepares and presents the management team to decide ...)

Project Group

Name Responsibility Company/Community

"The project team performs the tasks set by the Management Team for the project within the scope of the available resources.> During the project, the roles of the master and the secretary of the group circulate within the group so that each member of the group works> once in either role. "

Board Members

"The management team constitutes elected representatives of the project group, instructors and the client.Other persons, such as experts, may also be invited to meet the management team meetings.The configuration of the management team is presented> in Annex to the Project Agreement . "

Name Responsibility Company/Community

Support Group

The task of the support group is to provide a project group for a content guidance to complete the task.The passage should> introduce the project's other stakeholders (customer, external consultants, etc.).The> persons involved in the customer must mention at least the name, contacts, work description and the role in the project.

2.3.Project Steps and Financial Objectives

Task cases, bidding and phasening, intermediate results, schedules and resource plans, budget

2.4.Quality verification

Methods, standards, approval procedures, change management, documentation, reviews, risk management, Other complementary plans

2.5.Communication and tracking of project progress

Getting Started, Workspaces and Communications, Packaging Policy and Connection, Reporting, Reporting and Information, Project Folder

2.6.The end of the project

Delivery, Commissioning, Maintenance, Taxation of Project Materials, Filing, Final Report, Project Official Decision

3. Project's temporal Gates

3.1 Partitioning and Phase

The progress of the project can be described as a ns.With a Gantt chart.It can be used to show the progress of different phases with a timeline, while showing the critical points associated with different tasks.

GANT using PlantUML

uml diagram

The partition of the project refers to the distribution of the project to clear sub-assemblies and similar executions (subprojects, phases, tasks and tasks). >> The progress of research and development projects is characterized by the formation of the outcome and the step of focusing the Gate by step. The partition of the project should be based on this starting point (also applies to>> IT Institute's student projects).

The project life cycle can be divided into different types of phases. At each stage, certain products are produced, such as a statement, plans, prototype, device, etc. to the end of each stage to complete evaluation, acceptance or review. The software project is typically divided into seven steps: establishment, pre-study, analysis, design, implementation, testing and quitting. Sometimes a preliminary study has its own project, sometimes analysis is included in design, etc. Testing may not necessarily have its own phase, but is included in all stages. Often proceeded incrementally, ie first planned and implemented one thing in its entirety before proceeding to the next issue. There is no single "correct" phase distribution, but if the commissioner has its own method and related templates, both student projects are primarily used. More often, agile application development is used, that is, the software is made in 1-4 weeks sprints.

What are the Gates / steps of the project? (A brief description for each)>

The next step is each step, the time resources and results they require in briefly.The steps and their tasks are described in more detail in the phase plans.The ongoing phase of the current stage should be known precisely who is doing and how much work to perform this step.Later phases work estimates can be made at an early stage at a rough level, which is then refined to a detailed level of the project.This happens at the end of each phase to be designed in more detail the next step.

Note: The following are the startup and ending steps.Of all the phases of the project, their duration and workloads, the so-called Gantt chart (attached), which also shows the interdependencies between the steps and the main easses (e.g., the management team meeting date of the management team).

Milestone - Gate 0

The start of the project is essentially involving project planning and design documentation and creating communication practices with the contracting company.During the phase is made For example, the Group's web pages, will be more familiar with the assignment, starting to acquire the target area, and a project plan will be drawn up in cooperation with the commissioner's representatives.During the phase Establish a management team, held the 1st Executive Team meeting and signed a project agreement. "The phase results are the creation of a group image (name, logo et al.), Web pages, etc. and project agreement with attachments."

Milestone - Gate 1

What are the targets for this milestone is aimed at?

Milestone - Gate 2

What are the targets for this milestone is aimed at?

Milestone - Gate X

The termination phase includes measures to terminate the project.During the phase, the project team will draw up a project final report and the performance team.During the phase, the project's result for the contractor is considered the last management team meeting in week x and unloading the project organization.The closing phase results in the final report of the project. "

3.2 Project preliminary cost estimate

Presenting a cost estimate with a table:

4. Quality assurance

Working methods, instruments, instructions and standards applicable in the project This section lists all the methods, tools and standards to be used in version numbers. Often the commissioner has a method of complying with the project team. The client can also determine the appellants to be followed. Otherwise, the project team will tailor the model approved by the IT Institute's template for themselves and approved by the client. The course sets certain requirements for project monitoring tools and reporting that should be taken into account. However, the course does not forced a certain way to use tools, so there is a need to make a plan for this. The basics of information and version management of the project must be clarified so that all project stakeholders know the location of the latest versions of the documents. From the project plan and all other key documents of the project will become several versions that need to be added to the history history to monitor the development of the project afterwards. If a single device or software rises to the critical position of the project's implementation, it is good to designate this person who knows the person who knows. From the device or software group best. Here's a list of things that you should design and document:##

4.1 Approval of intermediate and results

This will record the approval procedure, which is agreed on the project.

4.2 Manage changes

Describe a change management procedure for project practices or changes related to the project's results.

4.3 Documentation

Bookmark where documents are saved / archived how they are shared and who is responsible for different documents.

4.4 Risk management

Listing the risks, evaluate their severity and probability and to think about thinking about how the most serious / most likely risks could be prevented in advance.It would also be good to be a plan for how to work if the risk is implemented. Books the risks to the project below and maintain them as needed.For each risk, a unique identifier is given, for example, RIS007, as this will facilitate their treatment in different situations.

4.5 Reviewing Policy

Lishes and provisionally scheduled on the project's performance review on the basis of the drawn up implementation plan.The list of reviews is presented, the preliminary time, the issues, participants and practices for the delivery of the reviewing material (what, when, how).

4.6 Complementary plans for the project plan

This paragraph mentions what complementary plans are available or will be made within the project (e.g., a communication, risk management, testing and deployment plan).

4.7 Plans for review and updating

The project plan will be reacted to deviations and environmental changes, so it is updated during the project.To this point, the dates are recorded in which the date of updating the plan at least must be checked.

4.8 Project Suspension Criteria

The Right Project Plan also includes the project's suspension criteria.However, these are not used in student projects because projects use a certain number of hours to make a result and the result will be released as it is at the end of the course.However, the project team makes a further development plan that a potential new project continues.

5. Communication and tracking of project progression (communication plan)

5.1 Communication Plan

The purpose of the communication plan is to define the communication methods and channels used in the X project. With clear and consistent communication, it is ensured> the passage of information and influence the implementation of the project quality objectives. The plan can be drawn up as part of the project plan or can be referred to as one of the [subpages] (../10 project management / communication List the workspaces and communication tools agreed on the project, a return policy and communication, reporting, and information.

6. The end of the project

6.1 Delivery of the end product, introduction

The final product of the project should also be documented at a sensible level. As part of the final product may be the introduction to the customer and possibly installation or commissioning service. If the role of education for the project is considerable (for example, software users have not been involved in the project and do not know how the system works) will include a plan to attach a plan to the customer's training. In addition, if necessary, the project plan also includes an installation plan and a deployment plan.

6.2 Taxation of the project produced by the project, archiving and retention period

"The disadvantaged part of the document group documentation is stored in the X system" With the assistant, you may be able to agree on which documents can be left to the next projects. Typically, different plans and final report are in the most appropriate part of such documents.

6.3 Official termination of the project

It is important to define when or how to end the project.The project's decision may be a certain date, a particular product ready-made, a certain amount of work hours, a certain consumed sum of money when the customer takes the product, the warranty period has expired or when the customer accepts the product.

"The project ends in p.k.vvvv, when the project contract expires."

6.4 Termination

Generally, the projects will be decided on a joint closure seminar.Participants and time are recorded.

  • In Finland project team can arrange Sauna-event :)

6.5 Project Final Report

The final report of the project will be drawn up by the last management team meeting.