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Current Status

Team should update this status report every sprint.

Gitlab Board and issues

Status of sprint 1 - Date 9.2.2024

What has been achieved

  • We have been working heavily with Product Backlog and testing tool evaluations.
  • Separate virtual machine is working now and all integrations are working perfecly

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • Docker Based installation of Squash TM was not able to work as we expected.
  • Test Automation Orchestrator is quite complicate to setup in current sprint

Next steps

We start to introduce teams for idea of testing

Status of sprint 0 - Date 26.1.2024

What has been achieved

  • Introduction sprint almost passed through
  • Lot of concepts and methods

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • How to keep teams happy enough so project working will stabilize

Next steps

We will show what is the assignment and introduce PO's vision